Do you know the difference between a registered letter and a recorded delivery letter? If not, this article will help you learn what some of the differences are. But first, it is important to go into detail about each of these two mail types.

A few known differences between a registered and a recorded delivery letter

A recorded delivery or tracked letter does not necessarily need to be delivered against a signature, nor does it need to go directly to the post office. To follow it, all you need is a tracking number. However, for a registered letter, especially one with an acknowledgement of receipt, a hand-delivered or post office collection signature is required. In addition, the recorded delivery letter is cheaper than the registered letter. If you want to know more about the price of each type, we recommend you visit

The recorded delivery letter in a nutshell

Sometimes the post office offers its client the tracked letter service, which allows him or her to track the envelope h or she has posted online. It is important to enter the barcode found in the envelope on the site specially dedicated to tracking a letter from the Post Office in order to know exactly how it got to its recipient. It first appeared in 1999. The recorded delivery mail has different characteristics; one of them is the fact that it is only valid for a minimum of 3 kg. Secondly, it is an online recorded delivery letter. And finally, it is delivered within a specified period of 48 hours. It is also a formula for sending certain mail or small objects that do not exceed a maximum envelope thickness of 3 cm. However, as of 1 January 2015, the post office has made all conditions for sending parcels neutral.

The registered letter

The registered letter is a rather special way of sending mails from the post office. Various additional services are linked to this form of dispatch, among which is the fact that it is compulsory to issue a receipt to the sender. It is important to know that this receipt is not the same as the acknowledgement of receipt, which is optional. If you choose to send a registered mail, the post office offers you a certain proof of deposit which attests to the date of deposit of your letter, a delivery of the mail against signature providing proof of delivery and presentation and more... For a registered letter, only the delivery of the mail or envelope against signature or the deposit of this envelope by a bailiff can have an unquestionable legal value.